WomenExecs on Boards London Symposium

WomenExecs on Boards London Symposium

WOMENEXECS ON BOARDS – WEOB LONDON SYMPOSIUM It’s been an absolute pleasure to share moments of exchange, learning, and joy with all the incredible women of WEoB during the London Symposium. These days have been infused with a great enthusiasm, positive energy, and a deep sense of pride in being part of an organization as significant as WEoB. Condividi sui

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WomenExecs on Boards – WEoB

WomenExecs on Boards – WEoB

WOMENEXECS ON BOARDS – WEOB When I started my professional journey as a board member, first at SIT, later at Esprinet and Amplifon, I could only sense the importance of connections and networking. But now, three years later, after meeting incredible women during my courses at Harvard Business School, I can confidently say that building a network is as valuable

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Executive Skill Lab: Artificial Intelligence & New Human Competence | Luiss Business School

Executive Skill Lab: Artificial Intelligence & New Human Competence | Luiss Business School

EXECUTIVE SKILL LAB: “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & NEW HUMAN COMPETENCE | LUISS BUSINESS SCHOOL Oggi voglio presentarvi l’executive Skill Lab “Artificial Intelligence & New Human Competence” organizzato dalla LUISS Business School e di cui sono Referente scientifico. Il corso, in partenza il 30 Giugno 2021, è rivolto a tutti coloro che vogliano esplorare le nuove opportunità che l’utilizzo dell’intelligenza artificiale porta in azienda, sia

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Executive Skill Lab: Industry 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence @Work | Luiss Business School

Executive Skill Lab: Industry 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence @Work | Luiss Business School

EXECUTIVE SKILL LAB: “INDUSTRY 4.0 AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE @WORK” | LUISS BUSINESS SCHOOL Sono molto orgogliosa di presentarvi l’executive Skill Lab “Industry 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence @Work“, sviluppato dalla LUISS Business School, di cui sono Referente Scientifico e che partirà il prossimo 10 Giugno 2021. Questo Skill Lab, rivolto sia a studenti di Master ed Executive, che a manager e imprenditori

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